In spanish, a "Still Life" is called "Naturaleza Muerta"-- "muerta" meaning dead. Interesting implications between the differences in the languages. Story: the amaryllis my mom got me for Christmas, which I tended to and watched bloom, was beginning to die, but I thought it deserved one last day of glory in the hot sun. Also, this blog is the first to publish my brother's precocious poetry.
In the glory of a wilting orchid
I persist, survive, live, thrive.
My sun is setting, and I think the stars will suffice,
While in naïve anxiety, I sip at the air
Watching in anger,
The light camber through
The longest horizon.
The moon absent
While the invisible sun retreats
And nothing but sky.
Celestial Litter
Upon my conscience,
Asking me answers I can’t question.
And I,
In a train of confusion...
-Sam Golightly, 2010
I can't just blog about something serious all the time, so I thought this was a fun picture. This is what happened after I cut the stem of the flowers to preserve the bulb. It reminds me of my childhood (cough cough... college freshmen) days of playing Zelda. This guy might have showed up in the Kokiri forest, perhaps a relative to one of those Deku nut spitters. And I bet you can guess who is holding the "sword" ;). Yours truly. Over and out.
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